Literature Development

Dear Parents,

Welcome back!  I am looking forward to an exciting and productive school year.  With your help and cooperation we will not only develop skills in the Language Arts content area but also in our organization skills.  Our students will be encouraged to grow in the areas of responsibility, respect, punctuality, kindness, honesty/ integrity, courtesy, cooperation, self-control, sportsmanship and initiative.

Room 13’s management plan was designed to aid us in our quest for an exciting and productive school year.  Please read it carefully and completely so you will understand what is expected in class.  If you have any questions after reading this material, or at anytime during the school year, please feel free to contact me here at Las Palmas Middle, by phone or by email.


Supplies Needed:

Students will come to class with:

1. Sharpened pencil

2. A black or blue ink pen

3. A school agenda book

4. Red colored pen for grading

5. Post Its

6. A divider in your three ring binder labeled Literature Development (this will be a place to put classwork)

7.  An approved free reading chapter book brought to class everyday

With the proper supplies at hand, both in school and at home, your involvement and chances of success can be greatly increased. Upon the completion of work, all students will keep this, and all other class work, in their portfolios.